Mysterious Scandals of Yualia, Episode 06, Enjoy and feel cheer!

Mysterious Scandals of Yualia, Episode 06, Enjoy and feel cheer!

Mysterious Scandals of Yualia
                                                    Yualia 01

Yualia’s father, Alexander, scolded her for cycling around the adjacent area without any bodyguards. Several vagabond boys whispered about her and went up to her father. Her father forbade her to visit around and engaged Dora again to guard her always. 

But Yualia discovers that the limited area can’t meet her expectations. She needs to mix and gossip with boys without any bodyguards. She needs to love someone, yet she has not found anyone. Her mother wants her to reserve herself, as she is going up mentally and physically. She warned Yualia to avoid mixing with callous people and to protect herself from vagabond boys who are good for nothing all over her. 

Mysterious Scandals of Yualia

                                                             Yualia 02

Though Yualia confirmed that she was not mixing with any vagabond boys at all, her mother urged the same thing again and again. At this time, Yualia stood by the side of the Ombla River, which is very adjacent to their area.

The laughter that mingled with whispers and stolen glances, vibrant conversations about dreams and desires, and the sweet thrill of forbidden friendships all vanished, replaced by the hum of Dora's disapproving breath.

Mysterious Scandals of Yualia
                                                        Yualia 03

Yualia gazed at the river and thought about her life. She felt trapped and suffocated in her own home. She wanted to explore the world and find someone who would love her for who she was. Importantly, she wanted to break free from the shackles of her mother’s expectations and live her life on her own terms. She knew that it wouldn’t be easy, but she was determined to make it happen.

As she stood there, lost in thought, she noticed a group of boys playing by the river. They were laughing and having fun, and Yualia felt a pang of jealousy. She wanted to be a part of their group, to laugh and have fun like they did. She knew that it was risky, but she decided to take a chance.

Furthermore, she walked up to the boys and introduced herself. They were surprised to see her, but they welcomed her with open arms. They showed her around the area and introduced her to their friends. Yualia felt alive for the first time in a long time. She laughed and joked with the boys, forgetting all her worries.

Mysterious Scandals of Yualia
                                                Yualia 04

But as the sun began to set, Yualia realized that she had to go back home. She said goodbye to the boys and promised to come back soon. As she walked back home, she felt a sense of freedom that she had never felt before. She knew that she had taken a risk, but it was worth it.

Was her destiny forever woven in threads of fear and isolation, or would she defy the cage and claim the life that hummed just out of reach?

Wait for the next chapter to quench their thirst, for the moment, Yuli chooses to break free and chase the butterfly named love. The next episode will be even more exciting and thrilling. Stay tuned!

To Be Continued!

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